Commercial Litigation and Arbitration

January 3, 2011

From Norelus v. Denny’s, Inc., 2010 U.S. App. LEXIS 26286 (11th Cir. Dec. 28, 2010) (Note: This is a 2-1 decision with the 1 being a concurrence in part and Judge Tflojat dissenting): No one's memory is perfect. People forget things or get confused, and anyone can make an innocent misstatement or two. Or maybe even three ...
From Norelus v. Denny’s, Inc., 2010 U.S. App. LEXIS 26286 (11th Cir. Dec. 28, 2010) (Note: This is a 2-1 decision with the 1 being a concurrence in part and Judge Tflojat dissenting): No one’s memory is perfect. People forget…

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