Commercial Litigation and Arbitration

In Awarding Statutory Attorneys’ Fees, Court May Consider that Verdict was Substantially Less than Pretrial Settlement Offer in Assessing Success

From Lohman v. Borough, 2009 U.S. App. LEXIS 16245 (3d Cir. July 23, 2009):

The jury awarded Lohman $ 12,205.00 in lost wages and nominal damages, after finding Appellees liable on one of Lohman's three First Amendment retaliation claims. Lohman contends that the District Court improperly considered settlement negotiations between the parties, including evidence that Lohman rejected a settlement offer of $75,000.00, to reduce the fee award. The issue before us — namely whether and to what extent the trial court may consider settlement negotiations when awarding fees — appears to be one of first impression in our Court.


In a civil rights action, a district court, "in its discretion, may allow the prevailing party . . . a reasonable attorney's fee." 42 U.S.C. § 1988. It is undisputed that Lohman prevailed in his action, but the parties disagree as to whether the fee awarded was reasonable. ***

We agree with the District Court that Rule 408 does not bar a court's consideration of settlement negotiations in its analysis of what constitutes a reasonable fee award in a particular case. By its terms, Rule 408 requires exclusion of evidence of such negotiations "when offered to prove liability for, invalidity of, or amount of a claim that was disputed as to validity or amount, or to impeach through a prior inconsistent statement or contradiction." This was the case in Alphonso, relied on by Lohman in the District Court, where evidence of negotiations was offered to demonstrate that the defendants believed that the plaintiff's claim had merit. We do not disagree that settlement negotiations cannot be used in this way, for the Rule clearly places settlement negotiations off limits where the validity of the claim is at issue.

While evidence of settlement negotiations is inadmissible to prove the merit or lack of merit of a claim, the use of such evidence as bearing on the issue of what relief was sought by a plaintiff does not offend the clear terms of Rule 408. Such evidence can be relevant when comparing what a plaintiff "requested" to what the plaintiff was ultimately "awarded." We noted in Washington the "settled principle . . . that counsel fees should only be awarded to the extent that the litigant was successful." ... Hensley instructs us that "[t]here is no precise rule or formula" for determining how a fee should be adjusted to reflect limited success. .... These determinations are appropriately committed to the discretion of the district court "in view of the district court's superior understanding of the litigation and the desirability of avoiding frequent appellate review of what essentially are factual matters." Id. at 437. While evidence of settlement negotiations is only one indicator of the measure of success, it is a permissible indicator that is not precluded by Rule 408.

Lohman urges that permitting the use of evidence from settlement negotiations to reduce attorney's fees is against public policy, because it will penalize civil rights attorneys who achieve only partial success, and will discourage settlement discussions. ***

[T]he thought that settlement discussions will not now occur because an attorney could be penalized if he or she achieves less than was demanded makes little sense. In fact, permitting settlement negotiations to be considered would encourage reasonable and realistic settlement negotiations. In addition, there has been no argument made that a plaintiff's naming or rejection of a number is anything other than an indication of what the plaintiff is seeking. It comports with established law to consider what was sought as compared to what was awarded....

We also reject Lohman's argument that the failure of Appellees to make an offer of judgment under Rule 68 should preclude the District Court from considering settlement negotiations in determining the degree of Lohman's success....

We do not disagree that Rule 68 was available to Appellees more than ten days prior to trial as a means to potentially limit subsequent costs. However, we fail to see how the existence of this Rule and availability of this strategic mechanism for limiting one's costs should preclude a district court from considering informal negotiations for the unrelated purpose of determining the extent of relief sought by a plaintiff. The District Court here did not deny Lohman fees and costs incurred after the rejected offer, but merely reduced the fee award in part because Lohman was ultimately awarded substantially less than he sought.

We think it important to note that we hold only that settlement negotiations may be relevant in measuring success, and, if so, are clearly only one factor to be considered in the award of fees. A court is also free to reject such evidence as not bearing on success when, for instance, negotiations occur at an early stage before discovery, or are otherwise not a fair measure of what a party is truly seeking in damages.

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