Commercial Litigation and Arbitration

July 15, 2007

Download associated file: KPMG Dismissal Decision.pdf  Attached is Judge Lewis Kaplan's dismissal (entered today) of the indictment against 13 of the KPMG partners in the continuing tax shelter prosecution. ...
Download associated file: KPMG Dismissal Decision.pdf  Attached is Judge Lewis Kaplan’s dismissal (entered today) of the indictment against 13 of the KPMG partners in the continuing tax shelter prosecution.…
Must a civil RICO plaintiff alleging mail or wire fraud plead reliance by the plaintiff on the fraudulent representations? Two of the three judges on the panel in Brown v. Cassens Transport Co., 2007 U.S. App. LEXIS 16255 (6th Cir. July 10, 2007), thought the right answer was "No," yet the Court's ruling was "Yes." The panel considered that Sixth Circuit ...
Must a civil RICO plaintiff alleging mail or wire fraud plead reliance by the plaintiff on the fraudulent representations? Two of the three judges on the panel in Brown v. Cassens Transport Co., 2007 U.S. App. LEXIS 16255 (6th Cir.…

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